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Monday, July 01, 2013

Bon Appetit

Caricature of Hannibal from the NBC series..."Hannibal"!
 Hannibal Lecter is one of my favorite characters of all time, so naturally I latched right onto the  series and I must say I'm impressed! Mads Mikkelsen definitely has a fresh take on the familiar character which does take some getting used to after Anthony Hopkins iconic performance, but he really takes on the Lecter character and makes it his own. I love how calm and collected he appears, yet he's got this condescending, almost reptilian look and you know any second he could make a meal of you. Not to mention he aint too bad on the eyes. ;P
If you haven't seen it, I suggest giving it a watch, it's got beautiful scenery, grisly murders, gourmet cooking, time-lapse footage, all that good stuff. And, of course, cannibalism.
 I'm just sad I have to wait until next year for the next season, I'm hooked!
(also there's rumors going about that they're trying to get David Bowie to make an appearance. pllllleeeeaaaaase.....)

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